ECO-driving is a driving attitude focusing on energy efficient using of vehicles. While transportation takes a significant share of the global carbon footprint of the world, ECO-driving helps to reduce fuel consumption thereby reduce fuel costs and CO2 emission.


Some of modern fleet-management devices are supporting ECO-driving by indicating the driver performance computed from vehicle data. This driver behavior information can be displayed immediately to the driver to increase fuel economy and sent to Back-Office for further processing and driving performance analysis.


The fuel economy of a vehicle is the fuel efficiency relationship between the distance travelled and the vehicle’s fuel consumption. Fuel consumption is mostly expressed as the distance travelled per a given amount of fuel (i.e. MPG – miles per gallon) or the amount of fuel consumed per a given distance (i.e.liters /100km).

There are many factors that can reduce fuel consumption:


The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Source: Wikipedia

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